Roulette Parimatch – Betting guide for new players

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Roulette Parimatch – Betting guide for new players

Roulette parimatch casino is one of the super prize-winning products that is making the betting community crazy at Parimatch bookie Casino. Let’s learn about the rules of the game and how to bet on Roulet for beginners right away. Rouletteis a banking game, and all bets are placed against the bank—that is, the house, or the proprietor of the game – join now in Parimatch.
wheel live casino online Parimatch is a very popular betting game at live casino app bookie, let’s learn more about this attractive game in the following article.

Parimatch promo code

Promotion NameDetailsBonus AmountWagering RequirementPromo CodeValidity
Welcome wheel BonusGet a 100% welcome bonus on your first deposit for Roulet.Up to ₹10,00035xWELCOME10030 Days
Weekend Roulette CashbackPlay Roulette on weekends and get 10% cashback on your losses.Up to ₹5,000No wagering requirementWEEKENDCASHEvery Weekend
Loyalty Roulette BonusEarn loyalty points for every ₹1,000 wagered in Roulet. Redeem points for cash or exclusive rewards.1 point per ₹1,000 wageredNo wagering requirementNo Code NeededOngoing
High Roller Roulette BonusDeposit ₹50,000 or more and receive a 50% bonus to boost your high-stakes Roulette sessions.Up to ₹25,00040xHIGHROLLER5015 Days
Daily Spin ChallengeParticipate in the Daily Roulette Spin Challenge for a chance to win free bets or cash rewards.Free Bets or Cash RewardsNo wagering requirementDAILYSPINDaily
Live Roulette BoostPlay Live wheel and get an additional 20% bonus on all winnings when you play during the promotional hours (7 PM – 10 PM).Up to ₹8,000 bonus30xLIVEROULETTEEvery Evening
Referral Roulette BonusRefer a friend to join Parimatch. When they sign up and play Roulette, both you and your friend get a ₹2,000 bonus.₹2,000 per referral25xREFERFRIENDUnlimited Referrals

What types of Roulette Parimatch online casino are there?

asino parimatch bookie – A big name in the world of online betting, this book maker offers many attractive reward services with extremely high payout rates.

One of the most popular and used super products at #Parimatch bookie is Roulet, a classic lottery game that has captivated generations of bettors from past to present.

Roulette parimatch bet app is divided into two basic types, and are also the two most popular types in the international betting market, including:

  • Parimatch American Roulette: The wheel of this type has two zeros.
  • European Parimatch Roulette: The wheel of this type has a number 0.

But in general, players can still bet on wheel according to basic options such as: Bet on a group of numbers from small to large, bet on a part of the number, bet on 1 number,…

Popular about Roulette Parimatch rules and betting types

Before showing you how to bet on wheel at parimatch india online live casino india, the article would like to share some information about the game rules as well as popular bet types of this game right below.

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Basic rules of Roulette Parimatch

Parimatch Roulet will include a dial wheel, a ball and a number table, the number table will contain from 0 to 37 or 38 characters depending on the type of European Roulette or American Roulet.

When the round begins, players will have to choose an option to bet on. You can place it in one box or several boxes as you like, you can also place it in a group of boxes to increase your winning rate.

The smaller the betting range, the larger the bonus. 

For example: You place the number 7 on the wheel, if the ball lands on number 7, the book maker will award 35 times the original amount. But if you bet on a group of boxes, such as a group of boxes from 0 to 12, when you win, you will only receive 2 times the amount you originally spent.

Popular types of bets when playing Roulet

There will be some basic types of Roulette Parimatch bets as follows:

  • Half Table Bet – Equivalent to 18 numbers, you have the right to choose the low half table with the value from 1 to 18 or the high half table with the value from 19 to 36. Bet 1 win 1.
  • Odd Even Bet – Equivalent to 18 even or odd numbers on the wheel. Bet 1 win 1.
  • Bet on Ten – Equivalent to 12 numbers on the wheel, must be 12 consecutive numbers. Bet 1 win 2.
  • Column Bet – Matches 12 numbers on the wheel, all numbers must be in a vertical box. Bet 1 win 2.
  • Corner Bet – Equivalent to 4 numbers: The player chooses a block of four consecutive numbers, winning the bet 8 times.
  • Two Line Bet – Equivalent to 3 numbers: The player chooses a line of three numbers, winning the bet 11 times.
  • Double Bet – Equivalent to 2 numbers: Win 17 times the bet.
  • Single Bet: Place only one number, win 35 times.

Detailed Roulette betting instructions for beginners

To participate in Roulet Parimatch betting, please follow the specific instructions as follows:

Step 1: Find the main Parimatch homepage via the Parimatch link here.

Step 2: Log in to Parimatch with your betting account. If you don’t already have one, click the register button displayed on the home page.

Step 3: Select the live casino online real money category and find the game hall you want to play.

Step 4: Select betting server, betting room and adjust betting chips.

Step 5: Place bets on the options provided by the book maker and wait for the results.

Introducing the Parimatch playground

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Introducing the Parimatch playground

Prestigious playground Parimatch

Playground Parimatch is one of the leading entertainment organizations in the field of Live Roulet worldwide. Established in 2016, Parimatch has quickly become one of the most popular and highly reputable Live Roulet venues on the market.

Parimatch headquarter is located in China. The origin of the faces of global professional gamers. That’s why Parimatch has developed and expanded its network with the participation of many gamers from all over the world.

With many diverse game titles such as: Mini Roulette, live Roulette, Lucky Roulet te… Developers every year bet parimatch Always create new betting game products to meet the needs of bettors.

Introducing the Parimatch playground

Parimatch’s development goals

Development purpose of pari pari pari is to build a community of professional bettors to develop the Live Roulet field together. Tournaments organized by casino parimatch are not only a place for gamers to compete for championships but also a playground for you to try your betting luck.

Parimatch Is it reputable?

Parimatch has a high reputation in the gaming community because their tournaments are always organized professionally and scientifically. Not only that, the betting process is done in a fair and transparent manner.

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Parimatch Is it reputable?

From there, help the best defense feel safe, confident and secure in participating. In addition, Parimatch also owns a team of experienced professionals to ensure tournament activities run smoothly and bring players sublime moments.

What should you keep in mind when playing Roulette Parimatch?

In order for the process of participating in Roulet Parimatch to go smoothly, you need to keep in mind a few important notes as follows:

  • When registering for Parimatch, you must provide full personal information, phone number and email for support when necessary.
  • First deposit is required to activate membership before you can bet successfully. Minimum first deposit value is 100,000 inr.
  • Use the free trial feature to get familiar with the interface and how to place Roulette bets before entering the real room.
  • Regularly refer to promotional information posted on the homepage to receive more betting points. The offers include many categories, such as: Parimatch Football, Parimatch Lottery and even Parimatch Casino.

Parimatch Roulette – The hottest top roulette game at Parimatch bookie betway live casino, quickly access and experience it today to receive many more attractive gifts.



Roulette Parimatch is one of the super prize-winning products that is making the betting community crazy at Parimatch bookie playtech live casino. Let’s learn about the rules of the game and how to bet on Roulet for beginners right away.

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